Sunday, June 29, 2014

Valiant Hearts: The Birth of the Prestige Game

What to say about Valiant Hearts: The Great War?

It's a good game, to be sure. It manages to deftly mix moments of humor, terror, and nail-biting tension in a narrative built around a strong emotional core, buoyed by frequent "aha" moments thanks to the numerous puzzles that form the bulk of gameplay. It features some overwrought narration and an insistence on educating the player that at times can be grating. The art style is beautiful, and by adopting this style the player isn't exposed to brutal, photorealistic gore in a manner that might desensitize them to the horrific violence that marked World War I - not to mention it makes the game much more accessible.

Overall, I enjoyed my experience with the game. But throughout my playthrough I was struck by a familiar sensation. It took me a while to put my finger on it. Then it hit me.